How To Drop Out Of College?

Before deciding to drop out of college, inform your professors about your decision to drop out of school. This will keep them informed and also help you maintain good contact with them. You can contact your professors for recommendation letters if planning to go to college later or maybe it is required for a job application. Also, seek counsel from your school’s advisors and discuss with them the reasons why you need to drop out of college. They will be able to explain the school’s policies such as your chances of getting re-enrolled into the college and the refund of tuition fees for students who are yet to start the semester. 

Also, try your best to finish the semester with good grades if you have gone past the deadline to leave school. This will ensure that your good grades do not tamper and you can still make use of these results to apply for a job or an internship opportunity. Submit a withdrawal request at your departmental office and it is best to follow all guidelines required by the school to drop out. While some schools require that you submit various documents such as signed medical reports, some require you to submit a letter stating full reasons why you intend to drop out. Regardless of what your school asks for, try to be sincere in the answers you give. Furthermore, if you have acquired debts at the school through loans, you have to be ready to pay off your debt. This starts six months from the day you drop out of college. Finally, think about the benefits and consequences of your plan to drop out of college; if after this, you still want to push through with your decision, then you can proceed to drop out of college. 

Alternatives to Dropping Out of College

Get Scholarships: Often, students dropout of college because they can’t afford the fees and they have their debts piling up. They prefer to stop schooling and start earning so they can pay off their debts and keep making money to help them with their needs. Rather than dropping out of college, you can talk to your advisors about tuition fee waivers at the college, scholarships, financial grants, and disbursements that can help you in school.  Balance work and school: Students work multiple part-time jobs to enable them to pay their school fees and also make a living for themselves. However, most times, they can’t place a balance between work and school and this then triggers the decision to drop out. You can however decide to get a new job that allows you to work flexible hours that won’t affect your academic life.  Change your course/school: If you feel that the course is not meant for you or if the school workload becomes enormous, you can decide to change course or even transfer to another school whatever the case might be.  Leave of Absence: There are times when students feel stressed and burdened by the school and they just want to get out of the school walls, it is advised that you take a leave of absence. This gives you enough time to think about what you can do and cool off all the stress from school. Leave of absence is not paid for as it is not counted as a school semester for you.  

What to Do After Dropping Out?

When you drop out of school, you must have a solid plan to get a good job that can help you make a living. You can try to apply for internship opportunities with the grades obtained before dropping out or get to work as an apprentice while gaining vast knowledge from the company. You must also pay off the loan debts that you have accumulated during your stay in school. 


While dropping out of school allows you to earn more and stop accumulating school debts, it also allows you to explore your interests in various sectors of life. You can also engage yourself in other forms of learning such as attending conferences and going for internships or apprenticeships. Dropping out of college sadly means you won’t have a recognized credential, you will also have to pay off your debts and also explain your decision to the top people that matter in your college life. 

Is it okay to drop out of college? 

Dropping out of college has its advantages and disadvantages. You should weigh your options and pick what suits you more. If you have a solid plan to make it in the future without going to college, then proceed with your plans of dropping out. 

Can I drop out of college after the first semester? 

Yes, you can drop out of college after the first semester. Go to the necessary offices like the Registrar’s office, and admissions office and settle all the bills that you have with them.