There are a few ways to dodge in a fight in GTA 5. One way is to use the cover system to your advantage. Another way is to use the dodge roll. To do the dodge roll, hold down the A button on Xbox or X button on Playstation and then press the left joystick in the direction you want to roll.

There are a few ways to dodge a punch, but the most important thing is to stay calm and avoid getting tense. If you see the punch coming, you can step to the side or back away. You can also try to block the punch with your arm or hand.

Melee fighting in GTA 5 PS4 is done by pressing the Square button. You can use this to attack enemies that are close to you.

To punch someone in GTA 5, you need to be close to them and press the left mouse button.

To punch fast in GTA 5 PS4, you need to use the R2 button to make your punches faster.

There are a few ways to dodge in Grand Theft Auto 4. One is to use the cover system to your advantage and pop out to shoot enemies while dodging their gunfire. You can also use cars as cover, or run away and hide behind objects. Finally, you can use the dodge roll to quickly get out of the way of enemy fire.

There are a few different ways to dodge a hook, but the most common is to step to the side. You can also try to block the punch with your hand or arm, or you can duck down.

It depends. If you see the punch coming, you can usually get out of the way. But if you’re not paying attention or you’re caught off guard, it’s hard to dodge.

It is possible to dodge a punch, but it takes a lot of practice. You need to be able to read your opponent’s movements and react quickly.

To melee in GTA, you can use the right analog stick to swing your weapon. You can also use the left analog stick to move around while you’re meleeing.

There are a few ways to dodge hits in Grand Theft Auto. One way is to use the cover system to hide behind objects. Another way is to sprint away from the danger. Additionally, you can jump out of the way or use a vehicle to get out of the way.