To change your payment method on Zulily, sign in to your account and go to the “My Account” page. On this page, under “My Orders,” you’ll see a list of all of your orders. Under each order, you’ll see a “Payment Method” option. Click on this option to select a new payment method.

Zulily is an American online retailer that specializes in selling women’s clothing and accessories. The company has operations in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Spain, Australia, and New Zealand.

To unsubscribe from Zulily, you can visit the unsubscribe page on their website and follow the instructions.

There is no a membership fee for Zulily.

Zulily uses Bank of America.

Zulily is a U.S.-based retailer that operates in Canada.

Zulily is a website that sells clothes, home goods, and other items. You can contact them through their website or by phone.