If you delete your Redbubble account, all of your designs, comments, and followers will be deleted with it.

Unfortunately, Redbubble does not allow shops to be deleted.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the deletion process will vary depending on the design and size of the Redbubble design. However, some tips on how to delete a Redbubble design include using the “delete” button in the design’s menu or contacting customer service.

Unfortunately, you cannot have two Redbubble accounts. If you need to create a second account, we recommend that you sign in to your existing account and then create a new account.

Yes, you can change your Redbubble username. To do this, go to your account page and click on the “edit profile” link in the top right corner. In the “Profile” section, you will see a field called “Username.” You can enter a new username in this field and click on the “update profile” button to save your changes.

If you have an email address associated with your Redbubble account, you can sign in to your account via that email address. If you don’t have an email address associated with your account, or if you’ve forgotten it, you can sign up for a new account and enter your username and password.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to stop Redbubble emails may vary depending on your specific situation. However, some tips on how to stop Redbubble emails include unsubscribing from their mailing list, blocking their email address at your email provider, or simply ignoring them.

To disable a product on Redbubble, follow these steps:Navigate to the product page on Redbubble and select the “Disable this product” button.Select the disabled product from the “Disable this product” drop-down menu.Click the “Update” button to save your changes.

The average person makes about $2 per hour on Redbubble.

No, Redbubble does not own your art. You retain full copyright and ownership of your artwork.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of money that people make on Redbubble will vary depending on a variety of factors, including the size and quality of their artwork, and how often they post new content and the market conditions for their specific niche. However, in general, it’s safe to say that most artists who post regularly and produce high-quality work earn a modest income from their sales on Redbubble.

Yes, you should have multiple Redbubble accounts if you want to maximize your earnings and reach more people with your art. By having multiple accounts, you can sell your work to a wider audience and make more money. Additionally, by promoting your work on different platforms (such as Twitter and Instagram), you can reach a wider audience even faster.

There are a few things you can do to increase your chances of selling your designs on Redbubble. First, make sure your designs are high quality and original. Second, make sure your designs are relevant to the community on Redbubble. Third, make sure you are promoting your designs effectively. Finally, be patient – it takes time to sell designs on Redbubble.

There is no specific way to open a second Redbubble store, but you can create a new account and then add your new store to your account.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific 13 year old’s age, experience, and skills. However, generally speaking, most businesses require an experience and/or a skill level above that of a typical 13 year old. For example, many businesses require an age of 18 or older to sell on their site.