The G in Xbox achievements stands for Gold. Achievements are a way to recognize and reward players for their accomplishments on Xbox Live. There are a variety of different types of achievements, from completing a specific task to winning a multiplayer game.

There is not a true Achievements app.

Yes, achievements can be deleted.

The highest G achievement on Xbox is “Gears of War 4 – Ultra.

There is no definitive answer to this question since it largely depends on your gaming habits and what you value most in an experience. However, if you’re looking for a general guideline, aiming for at least 1000 Gamerscore is generally considered to be a good starting point.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it largely depends on the individual’s gaming habits and preferences. However, some individuals with high Gamerscore totals on Xbox may include world-class gamers such as Halo 5: Guardians’ Neil Davidge who has over 2 million Gamerscore and Gears of War 4’s Kiefer Sutherland who has over 1.8 million Gamerscore.

Yes, Xbox Achievements can be seen in the app.

There is no official way to check Xbox achievements on the website, but there are a few unofficial methods. One way to check your achievements is to go to the “My Games and Apps” section of the Xbox website, select the game you want to check your achievements for, and then click on the “Achievements” tab.

There is no way to reset Xbox achievements.

There are a few ways to hide your Gamerscore. One is to create a new account and play on that account without revealing your total score. Another is to delete your GamerScore profile from Xbox Live. Finally, you can also use a service like MyGAMERScore to keep track of your progress and then delete the data after you’ve finished playing a game.